Sunday, March 18, 2018

The American Dream

In the 1920s, the American dream became the acquisition of material things. That was best exemplified by the novel The Great Gatsby. Its author, F. Scott Fitzgerald, defined the aspirations of the age. From the 1920s, where how much you worked and made was the foundation of the American Dream, this generation is known to have truly lost any sense of work ethic. Many think we are complacent and self-absorbed itinerants who would rather work on “their individual style”, and experience life from the lawn of an amphitheater or in the crowd at a protest than actually contributing anything meaningful or worthwhile. Millennials today expect the "American Dream" to come easier now that we have advanced technologically and economically.

However, I believe what could be happening is that every generation has a new "American Dream". I mean society is constantly changing, which means what people ultimately value is changing as well. the American dream of the 1920’s was epitomized and fulfilled by the supper rich such as Gatsby and Tom, and those who make a penny at the expense of others. Examine the Millennial generation today and you will certainly find the determination to succeed that we see in Nick, Gatsby, and others. However, while we still dream of the successfulness of being uber rich, many of us would just as quickly say that owning an apartment in California with two other friends while each try to fulfil their acting careers is equally so, no matter the amount of wealth. This brings up the next point, which is that because my generation seems to be softening our defining success by monetary wealth, as our parents did, then what do we need to have to be successful?

I think today millennials are starting to stray away from the notion that money is true happiness, and have turned to nature and living an adventurous life being the true dream. Now that social media is the center point of many kids lives they are exposed to the beauty of traveling and seeing impeccable views through other peoples experiences. For example, people on Instagram like Emelina, Jack Morris, and Jay Alvarrez, are becoming the dream for traveling the world and going on adventures. These people don't necessarily have a lot of money or monetary value, yet I, and clearly many others, say they are successful because they have these experiences.

I find people today want more in life than a stable job and family. People want to explore what's around them and want to take risks. The "American Dream" is not a set thing that everyone wants to strive for. And generation after generation this dream is forming into something more tangible and exciting. It might be easier to obtain than the dream in the 1920s, but that just means more people can be happy and feel their lives were worthwhile. 

Sunday, March 4, 2018

IOC Practice

I know you didn't want us to miss this one, but sadly I have. ( I am using my Freebie)
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